

Green Field Senior Secondary School (GFSSS), Dhubri is one of the best Academic Private Institution for teaching, research and consultancy in the Pre Primary to Higher Secondary level of both Science and Arts. This is where the quality education is imparted. This institution came into picture in the year 2010 in the name of Green Field Junior College with the initiative of some dedicated and learned personality of Dhubri district. But in 2016 Degree Section is opened for both the streams (Science & Arts) to meet up the growing demand of H.S. Passing out students of Dhubri district. The college has well infrastructural facilities in all respect with internet connectivity and under CCTV surveillance. The college brings together a group of specialists to teach the full spectrum of sciences and arts disciplines.

Our Mission

Our aspiration is to establish ourselves as a beacon of excellence in both education and research. Through relentless dedication and innovation, we aim to cultivate an environment that fosters intellectual growth, creativity, and discovery. Our commitment lies in nurturing scholars and fostering groundbreaking advancements that benefit society at large.

Our Aim


  •   The establishment of School at Kalyachia, is to provide an opportunity for the parents/guardians who cannot afford to send their children to any school outside the locally to obtain satisfactory schooling for them.
  •   The institution aims to impart both secular and moral education. Academically, we strive to inculcate into the mind of the children the spirit of hard work, commitment, dedication and a sense of responsibility making them of the competitive and challenging work of today. In this respect, discipine is imposed making it as one of our prerogative which cannot be compromised.
  •   Apart from secular education, the institute side-by-side lays importance upon building nurturing and moulding the moral character of all the children. Physical development has equally drawn our attention. To this end all possible attempts can be made for the children in making energetic and vibrant and as such physical exercise and play are encouraged.


Our Vision

The belief that better individuals contribute to the fabric of better societies underscores our mission. We recognize that the collective actions of communities shape the trajectory of tomorrow. By fostering a culture of growth, empathy, and progress, we strive to pave the way for a brighter and more inclusive world.


 Admission Procedure

  • Application forms and Prospectus can be obtained in person from the Admissions Unit at the school office. Students seeking admission shall have to present themselves before the admission Committee as per dates & time to be notified by the school authority. No application shall be considered valid unless it is acompanied by the attested copies of marksheet, Certificate, Photograph, Original Gap Certificate, Original migration certificate etc. Admission will be based on merit basis. Candidates who are selected for admission would be asked to show original marksheet, certificate and other relevant documents and pay the requisite course fees and hostel fees at the time of admission.

    There is a provision for reservation of seats for students belonging to SC, ST, OBC, MOBC, Physically Handicapped categories as per govt. rules. But they will have to produce valid certificates.

 Documents Required for Online Admission

  • For Nursery to Class I: Birth Certificate and Aadhaar Card
  • For Class II to VIII: Birth Certificate, Aadhaar Card, Previous year Marksheet.Permanent Education Number (PEN)
  • For Class IX & X: Birth Certificate, Aadhaar Card, Previous year Marksheet, Permanent Education Number (PEN)
  • For Class XI & XII: HSLC Admit Card, Marksheet, Registration Certificate, Pass Certificate, Aadhaar Card, Permanent Education Number (PEN)

Cources We Provide

Nursery to Class VIII (English Medium) Under SEBA

Class IX & X (English and Assamese Medium) Under SEBA

Class XI & XII (Arts & Science; English and Assamese Medium) Under AHSEC


Faculty Facilities

Dedicated faculty members are an asset to an academic institution. Excellency in any branch of education ultimately depends on the quality faculty. Selection of meritorious and experienced faculty members is given utmost importance in our institution. Facilities in our institution possess outstanding academic qualifications. They are known for their teaching skills. It is their zeal and commitment that makes our faculty one of the best in teaching.


Lecture Halls and Seminar Halls at GFC are spacious and well fit with good ventilation. All lecture hall have been provided with educational aids like slide projectors, overhead/LCD projectors, computers. GFC provides a full array of scientific and professional laboratories with student access to latest technologies. Our Computer Science lab. is equipped with computers having latest hardware configuration.


Our Laboraties for Biology, Physics and Chemistry are well designed and adequately equipped. Laboratory batches are small and individual attention is the rule not an exception.


The library plays a vital role in collecting information from various fronts, which would be very effective to provide the power of knowledge. The college library has an elegant array of Indian and Foreign Books, Journals, Magazines, Encyclopedias, Dictionaries and books on vocational studies. The reading room offers periodicals and newspapers. As per the request of the faculty and students, a significant number of books are added to the library.